Occupational Health Service
The Occupational Health Service (OHS) can provide travel health advice, vaccinations and anti-malarial prophylaxis and can issue students with Fitness to Travel certification if required.
If the project is organised by the University, and is covered by the University travel insurance, Fitness to Travel certificates are required for all students. Please ensure that the activity is approved by the Volunteering and Community Engagement Team prior to contacting Occupational Health.
Due to the very high demand for their services the Occupational Health Service must be contacted well in advance and follow their process:
- Schools or Divisions make a request three to four months in advance and provide initial details i.e. destination, number of students travelling, activity, key contact in the School or Division.
- Schools or Divisions send up to date risk assessments of the pending volunteer activity to OHS 3 months in advance.
- On receipt of this information the OHS Travel co-ordinator(s) can provide information to the key School or Division contact with regards to the immunisations required and costs per item. N.B. The key contact needs to agree these arrangements prior to OHS appointments being commenced.
- Schools or Divisions send the ‘Travel Risk Assessment Questionnaire’ to each student volunteer to complete and email directly to Occupational Health . Please advise students to return the document ASAP noting in the subject field of the email ‘Overseas Volunteering’ plus the destination.
- Students who have a significant pre-existing health issue will be asked to attend an appointment in the OHS to assess and advise with regards their specific needs prior to a certificate being provided. Further information may be sought from their Specialist which is why, wherever possible, these appointments should be arranged 6-8 weeks in advance of travel.
- Additionally OHS will provide appointments to deliver any agreed vaccinations and associated travel health advice. Again these should be arranged 6-8 weeks in advance of travel.
- OHS admin will provide an invoice for the cost of OHS travel work to the School following this activity.
If the project is organised by an external provider, and where University of Manchester insurance is not being used, or when requests to Occupational Health are outside agreed timescales, students should seek advice from their GP or local travel clinic.